Loyalty Cards
Thank you to all our wonderful customers!
On July 2nd we’ll be launching our Loyalty Card program.
We wanted to say thank you to you, our wonderful customers, for all the support you’ve shown us over the past year.

Full terms and conditions:
- Participants must make 10 separate purchases at the Elgin Farmers’ Market (herein referred to as ‘EFM’) in order to complete their loyalty card
- Once the loyalty card is completed, participants are to return in their loyalty card to Board members Krissy Voutas or Austin Moline, or designated alternative, any market vendor will be able to direct participants to the correct person(s)
- Participants will then receive a $5 EFM gift card and swag (subject to availability) including but not limited to reusable bags, pens, etc.
- Periodically EFM will also run raffles. Raffle dates and prizes will be advertised prior to the raffle opening. Loyalty cards returned during an open raffle will automatically be entered.
- Participants agree to be photographed, quoted or otherwise contribute to the EFM social media campaigns and promotions.
- If a loyalty card is lost, participants may acquire a new one from an EFM vendor. If the initial loyalty card is located, participants may continue to use it but the two cards may not be combined.