We welcome SNAP EBT customers!
Did you know?
- In 2020, Texas gave out $6 billion in SNAP payments.
- Only $188,000 was spent at farmers markets – that’s only 0.03% of the SNAP funds spent that year!
- 75% of Texans are eligible for the SNAP. That’s 39.9 million people and a whole lot of potential for market shoppers!
- Texas farmers markets ranked 47th in SNAP sales nationwide.
By making SNAP available at the market we’re supporting all of our core missions – increasing food access, supporting local business and building community.
We believe it will further strengthen the awesome community we’ve built together over the last 4 years.

Using Lone Star Cards at Elgin Farmers’ Market is a SNAP!
- Come to the market information tent.
- Decide how much you want to spend and swipe your Lone Star card to receive tokens.
- Use your tokens just like cash!
SNAP dollars may be used to buy ANY food for the household, excluding ready to eat hot foods.
Seeds and plants that produce food may also be purchased.
Market tokens do not expire.
Unused tokens can be kept for future market purchases or returned to the market information tent to be refunded back to your Lone Star card.

El uso de tarjetas Lone Star en el mercado de granjeros ES un chasquido
- Ven a la carpa de información del mercado.
- Decide cuánto quieres gastar en el Mercado y desliza tu tarjeta Lonestar para recibir fichas.
- ¡Usa tus fichas como dinero en efectivo!
Los dólares de SNAP se pueden usar para comprar CUALQUIER alimento para el hogar, excepto los alimentos calientes listos
para comer.
¡También se pueden comprar semillas y plantas que producen alimentos!
Las fichas de mercado no caducan.
Los tokens no utilizados se pueden guardar para futuras compras en Market o se pueden devolver a la cabina de información y reembolsar a su tarjeta Lonestar